Tuesday, August 15, 2006


the short list of what i've been up to...

1. tim spent the week after school got out for the summer preparing to be the speaker at a scout jamboree camp in holland. so, i was on a solid week of full time mama duty. this was awesome and relieved much of my guilt about the preceding several weeks when i was having job meltdown and extreme mama guilt. it was just the change of pace i needed. plus i got caught up on some paperwork.

2. tim was deathly ill for a solid week and had to cancel on holland jamboree. i continued mama duty and added death bed nurse.

3. our friends jason and sara arrived just as tim was resurrecting. they were awesome and helped us pack. man, it must suck to visit someone the last week before they move!

4. we moved. our new house is approximately 3.5 miles from our old house. that makes it seem crazy. but in london that is a significant distance. it wasn't quite as organised as our last move, the big one across the pond. but we also didn't have a 10 month old and a car (big shout out to daniel... you saved our life... hope thailand rocks).

5. the day after the move we "celebrated" our 12th anniversary. we celebrated by going to ikea and buying a new home desk... as you do when you are white, middle class, and live in the suburbs. tim gave me this cool bracelet...i gave him a big hug. i suck.

6. today is my first day in the office in forever. i don't have to make a habit of this for another few weeks, so i won't! updating my blog is my first order of business! it was also my first "commute" it only takes about 30 minutes max, but i can take the tube so that makes it feel like a real commute.

Comments on "update"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:50 AM) : 

Sounds like your days (& nights) have been more than exciting. Glad you have made it to your ne digs. Hopefully you will be settled in soon.
Much love to all.


Blogger jsi said ... (6:08 PM) : 

Hi its Jessie. Glad your move went well. "Death bed nurse" - too much! Did you ever find out why Tim was so ill. Nothing feels terrific when you're sick, but its worse when you can't help very much.
I look forward to reading more on your posts!
Enjoy your day!


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