Friday, January 26, 2007

rocky balboa

you will be relieved to know that the new rocky finally came out here. tim, bec, and i got to go together.

the first part was rough, i wish they would have spent less time on the looking back stuff and developed the part of his son a little better. i did like the speech rocky gave his son about its not how hard you hit, but how many times you get back up after being knocked down. i also would have liked more reference to his basement stuff. i liked the more artistic take on the fight, but wish they would have used flashbacks to fill in some of the gaps we missed in rocky the last decade (like a doctor saying adrian had cancer, his son moving out, etc.). i also wish they would have developed the character of the young boxer more. the return of little marie was a pleasant surprise, and i loved to see the rocky balboa approach to youth ministry revived. that is one of my favorite aspects of his personality. and at the end of the fight, when he gets up for the last time, as part of the reflective montage before he remembers the speech he gave his son about getting up when you get knocked down, i can't believe they left out "get up! because mickey loves ya!"

i mean, i really can't believe stallone didn't consult me.

before we went i read an article saying that this last rocky was coming out in the year of the 30th anniversary of the first rocky. 30 years. that's when i realized that i have been watching rocky my whole life. i can't say i remember the first time i saw them, except rocky IV. i think that is because rocky just kinda slipped into my life from TV in an unexpected and unpretentious kind of way.

when i first saw the tag line "it ain't over til its over" i thought it was really lame. after the scene in the movie where he says it, and i realized it is arguably the funniest line in the movie, i had a little more respect. but i still say it should have been: "it's not about the boxing". because its not. he is a boxer, but it is really a metaphor for his life. okay, i'll stop there before i launch into any cheesy sermon illustrations, but you get my point.

and that is why i love rocky. i have for as long as i can remember. and even with this farewell that does not live up to his glory, i remain faithful.

Comments on "rocky balboa"


Blogger jsi said ... (4:14 PM) : 

Hi there!
Rocky is the bomb!
We haven't made the trip to the cinema (its pretty costly) but I want to see it.

I read the screenplay for it and others have said it is inspiring and more retro than #5 or #6.

But there has been a Rocky marathon on tv, my kiddos watched #1, #2 and #3 with me...totally caught up in the story of Rocky they are! So many different parts are important for so many different reasons, but straight to the point, I wait to hear the bells chime "in Rocky's head" - its time to change, its time, to get active, its time to do this, whatever it is (fighting a Russian whose 2 feet taller, trainging to fight Apollo Creed).

'Cause I hear that same bell sometimes, "Pay attention to this" " This is important" "Don't miss out".

Rocky is the best YO ADRIAN!


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